EsPlásticos, the Spanish plastic value chain platform, inaugurated on 8 May 2021, with Jose Luis Martínez-Almeida, Mayor of Madrid, Borja Carabante, Environment councilor for the Madrid City Council, and Dolors Montserrat, MEP of Partido Popular in the European Parliament, the first 100% recyclable Plastic Museum in the World: The Plastic Museum.
Located at Plaza de Juan Goytisolo in Madrid, opposite the Reina Sofía Museum, this first-of-its-kind museum can be visited for free till 16 May 2021, from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The museum is designed to show the vital role that plastics play in society, as well as their unique reuse and recycling characteristics on the road to a more sustainable and resource efficient future.

Alicia Martin, Director PlasticsEurope Spain, spokesperson of EsPlásticos, speaking at the Plastic Museum opening ceremony on 8 May in Madrid
Inside and outside: plastics
The Plastic Museum does not only exhibit plastic pieces, it is also entirely built from this material. Through a selection of items that can be found inside, such as essential objects for health care, communication, construction, food and mobility, the visitor can learn how plastics contribute to sustainability, safety, longer lives and better performance. They will also understand in a very visual way that plastic waste is a valuable resource that must be managed in a responsible way.
Throughout its three rooms, the Museum is presented as a transformative space, which seeks a change in the wrong or imprecise perception of plastic, a recyclable and sustainable material. In addition, it shows how essential these materials are and how they have transformed sectors such as health, food, construction, and mobility, among others. Finally, the museum pursues the objective of transforming misuse through responsible practices, environmental awareness and a culture of reuse and recycling.

Great interest in the inauguration of the Plastic Museum
Plastic museum “to go”
On 17 May, World Recycling Day, the Plastic Museum will be disassembled to be fully reused and recycled. A key objective of this museum is indeed to transform misuse and promote responsible practices, environmental awareness and a culture of reuse and recycling.
The Plastic Museum can also be discovered online with this video and with the virtual tour on the web.