Information and material for the media
Here you can find the current media information of the IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e.V..
In addition to our press releases and our statements on current market topics, we also offer additional information and studies – for example on the market for plastic packaging, on our sustainability commitments and on the constantly developing circular economy.
You will also find freely usable press photos and graphics as well as videos, presentations and downloads. You will find the information on the rights of use in our download area.
Of course we are also at your disposal for questions or a personal conversation. Please use the contact details.
If you would like to stay up to date, we will be happy to add you to our press distribution list and recommend our current information offerings on Twitter or in our Newsroom Kunststoffverpackungen.
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Press Contact
Mara Hancker
Managing Director Communication
Tel.: +49 – 6172 – 92 66 66
Fax: +49 – 6172 – 92 66 80
Press Releases
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Press Contact
Mara Hancker
Managing Director Communication
Tel.: +49 – 6172 – 92 66 66
Fax: +49 – 6172 – 92 66 80