Plastics packaging industry sets itself ambitious recycling targets for 2025 Bad Homburg, 30 November 2018– Handling resources in an efficient and responsible manner has long played an important role in...
The Initiative “Erntekunststoffe Recycling Deutschland” (ERDE, or Crop Plastics Recycling Germany), the joint solution supported by environmentally-aware film and net producers in the IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e. V. and the...
...close the loop as economically and climate-efficiently as possible, in the packaging sector we rely above all on the further expansion of established mechanical recycling through appropriate design-for-recycling and high-quality... invest billions of euros in design-for-recycling and the expansion of high-quality sorting and recycling processes. Before recycling comes collection & sorting Another challenge is separate collection: currently, a large...
...the most important packaging polymers, food packaging producers will become largely dependent on thermo-chemical recycling processes (e.g. pyrolysis) and mass balance approaches allowing for credit-based allocation in chemical recycling for... a step backwards for climate protection and recycling management. Industry’s expectations of the action plan: development of recyclate markets must follow market economy principles The IK member companies have...
...films via collection partners. Agricultural contractors and farmers collect crop plastics and hand them in – brushed off and free from major soiling – to a collection point ( Recycling...
...underline that despite the fact that recycling is an important aspect of the Eco Design, the Eco Design is far more than just recycling. For this reason IK considers that...
...out of the yellow bag and subsequent recycling works and makes ecological and economic sense in the process. In a joint project with light packaging sorting plants, it was possible... material recycling for economic reasons. The industry is working on new recycling solutions in this area as well. EPS packaging for washing machines is collected and recycled. Furthermore, the...